What is a “People Group”?
Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave His followers one last command—we know it as the Great Commission—and as a missionary organization, it is MAF’s guiding
Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave His followers one last command—we know it as the Great Commission—and as a missionary organization, it is MAF’s guiding
What is it worth to see unreached people experience the love of Jesus? “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” William
The differences between a floatplane and a wheeled airplane seem pretty obvious. But when it comes to actually flying and landing on the water, there
Airplanes are complicated. And to the outsider, it can sound like pilots and maintenance specialists are speaking a different language when they talk about their
Your support means MAF can share Christ’s peace in the midst of turmoil. An element of MAF’s work—one that is often overshadowed by stories of
A unique perspective on MAF Missionaries and what is often misunderstood about missionary service. “There is this assumption that missionaries are more spiritual or somehow
Socks don’t last forever. Over time they become threadbare, your big toe sticks out, and they need to be replaced. Which is a pretty simple
A maintenance specialist’s race against time shows the key part each of us plays. Mike and Angie Johnson had just returned to the Tarakan base
How you are bringing light to Papua through MAF and our partners Lights glimmered across the village of Mamit—cutting tiny holes in the darkness blanketing