MAF Airplanes
The MAF-US fleet flies over a million miles each year and saves our passengers valuable travel time, which can be used for productive ministry work.

Cessna 206
Single-Engine (Piston) with seating for 6. Eleven Cessna 206s are in service with MAF-US.
This faithful workhorse has been the mainstay of the MAF fleet for many years. With its sizable cabin and double cargo doors it is well suited to transport both passengers and cargo to the most remote destinations. Many of our 206s are turbocharged allowing them to operate at higher altitudes.

Cessna Caravan 208
Single-Engine (Turboprop) with seating for 10. Eleven Cessna 208s are in service with MAF-US.
The “big brother” in the Cessna family. The Caravan can haul more, further, and faster. It is equipped with a cavernous cargo pack underneath to haul a large load. This bigger plane does require longer, more improved, airstrips however.

Kodiak 100
Single-Engine (Turboprop) with seating for 10. Twelve KODIAKs are in service with MAF-US.
This airplane was designed from the ground up to thrive in the “bush.” A special high-lift wing and a 750 horsepower engine allow this capable machine to operate on shorter airstrips while hauling heavier loads. It has replaced the Cessna 206 in some regions because it burns jet fuel instead of expensive avgas.

Cessna 210
Single-Engine (Turbocharged) with seating for 6. One Cessna 210 is in service with MAF-US. This is the fastest, most sophisticated, member of our piston-engine fleet. The retractable landing gear and laminar-flow wing allow it to fill the needs of long-range missions.

Cessna 172
Single-Engine (Piston) with seating for 4. Three Cessna 172s are in service with MAF-US. Its mild-mannered, forgiving temperament makes it an ideal airplane for training new pilots. This little brother of our Cessna fleet is quite happy going round and round the airport traffic pattern patiently enduring bounce after bone-jarring bounce. Many MAF pilots learned the “ropes” at the controls of a Cessna 172.