Story submitted by an MAF missionary serving in Haiti.
I love reading some of the other MAF families’ blogs and newsletters. They relay stories of how MAF aircraft have impacted lives and communities, or how MAF’s technology solutions are aiding the spread of the Gospel. While aviation and technology are wonderful, powerful tools, it’s the people behind them that God is using to truly make a difference. Each MAF family is unique, and as such, has a unique way of making an impact on an overseas community. God plants us where He desires to best use our gifting for His glory.

One way our family is able to make a difference is through our involvement with Development for Freedom International (DFI). Working together, we are helping get boys off the streets in Port-au-Prince (PAP), Haiti. There are an estimated 5,000-10,000 children living on the streets in PAP. We’ve supported Ms. Helen (the director of DFI) for many years, but for the past three, I’ve also served on the board of directors. Not only does DFI provide a place of physical refuge through their boys’ home, but their top priority is sharing the love of God. Caring staff introduce the boys to a personal relationship with Christ. Thus far, over 25 boys have made a public profession of faith. Several have graduated from high school and now have good jobs and their own apartments; and they’re pouring back into their families and community.

Because our family is based here in PAP, with MAF, we have the blessing of being able to serve some of these boys. This is just one of the ways we get to be a part of the work that God is doing around the world.