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What it’s like to be an MAF MK Teacher

What’s it like to teach MAF MKs (missionary kids) at a small school in Kalimantan, Indonesia, on the tropical island of Borneo? Well, class is in session, so let’s just show you.

You’ll get to…

  • Work with sweet kids and have a great student-to-teacher ratio. This is the combined class of 3rd, 4th and 6th grades.
  • Experience wildlife outside and inside the classroom. This monitor lizard showed up in the school room one morning. (Incidentally, the kids had prayed for one. The teachers? Not so much.)
  • Wear cool matching uniforms with lively Indonesian prints. (Teachers Mary Epp, left, and Lynne Bontrager, right).
  • Catch up on the latest episode of “What’s in the Bible?” during weekly chapel.
  • Have lunch around the ping-pong/dining table with special guests on Bring Your Dad to School Day.
  • Cool off on Water Games Day by playing Dribble, Dribble, Drench.
  • “Sleep in” and wear your comfiest on Pajamas Day.
  • Or grow some facial hair for Mustache Day.
  • Travel to and from school and around town on a super-hip scooter!

There you have it. All this and on a beautiful, tropical island. Doesn’t that sound inviting? Learn the ABCs about serving overseas as an MAF MK teacher, and explore current openings at

Class dismissed!

Thanks to Lynne Bontrager and Mary Epp for sharing their photos.


Persevering in hard places

Just over a week after a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked southwestern Haiti, MAF pilot Eric Fagerland landed in the town of Jérémie with a load of relief supplies.

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