Comments on: Wonderful Words! Sat, 03 Dec 2022 15:41:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clair Kozlowski Sun, 27 Mar 2022 21:32:24 +0000 Praise God for these dedicated missionaries. God has sent His very best to love those whom the world would discard, or at best care little for.

By: Larry M. Lake Sat, 26 Mar 2022 13:47:58 +0000 How exciting to read of the aviation support for the new believers in the Moskona area. In July 1979 my wife Mary Beth and I were sent to Papua to document MAF’s 25th year there, and we spent a week on the Bird’s Head and travelled to the Moskona by helicopter with MAF’s Ron Pritz and the TEAM missionary Doug Miller. In 1973 Doug Miller and Craig Preston had made the first trek into Moskona. We spent a night in a Moskona village and saw how rugged and isolated that area is. It is wonderful to see the growth of the local church since then, and to hear of the translation of the New Testament into the northern dialect.

By: John A Rydzynski Sat, 26 Mar 2022 02:35:16 +0000 I knew an old saint in the early 1990’s who used to support MAF, she would buy engines and stuff for the planes. She took us Marines under her care. Since then I used to support MAF thru the CFC program. MAF pilots and missionaries are font line warriors for the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord for MAF. CG

By: Richard Downey Sat, 26 Mar 2022 01:05:08 +0000 Thank you very much for this MAF up date. This is always interesting. My wife Jan and I worked for Air Serve International, created by MAF in Southern African countries and based in Mozambique in early 1990 and 91. I was a pilot and she worked in a number of projects with the other ladies. I also had the opportunity to spend some time with MAF in Ecuador. Very interesting.

By: Miles Fagerlie Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:40:23 +0000 Praise God for this story of how another tribe and tongue will be represented aroung His throne in Glory! Revelation 5:9

By: Dave Overby Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:30:30 +0000 This is so wonderful seeing the Hand of God moving through the persistent work of brothers and sisters (Missionaries, MAF and Indigenous believers, all sharing the Good News and providing love, compassion, and deeds. What an on-going, ever growing gift. This is such a thrilling story! Praise the Lord!

By: Ed Miller Fri, 24 May 2019 11:55:37 +0000 I had no idea people still live in near stone age conditions.

By: Joe Grimes Fri, 24 May 2019 00:04:32 +0000 Praise the Lord for his grace and love. May the name of Jesus be honored and revered for all time.
