How God took one family’s tragedy and used it for good
Allan Bagge was flying his airplane in northern Idaho in 1987 when he tragically crashed—he did not survive.

Lois, Allan’s wife, was determined to honor her husband and bring closure to his death.
“My mom wanted to fund an MAF airplane,” Ronn Bagge explained recently to a room full of donors, staff, and mission partners at a recent event at MAF headquarters. “MAF was very responsive and gracious to my mom as they met with her and understood what she wanted to do.”
Lois gave a gift to MAF and by 1989, a Cessna U206G had been acquired and was being used in Venezuela.
This first gift was the beginning of the Bagge family’s relationship with MAF–the first generation of supporters from this family. Ronn picked up the baton next, and hopes his own sons and daughter will also catch the vision of partnering with MAF.
Rolland Trempert, MAF’s director of Aviation Safety/Quality, was surprised to hear Ronn speak at MAF. The Bagge family had donated the very plane he flew in Venezuela.
“I remember seeing the plaque on the glove box, with the name “Bagge” on it,” said Rolland. “It was a somewhat unusual name, so, memorable.”

Rolland did field training with four new pilots in that plane who each eventually were able to fly solo and go on to serve at the program.
“Since much of our ministry was direct missions support, we carried LOTS of cargo. The airplane could carry 100Kg more (25%) than the program’s C185s,” said Rolland. “It was a big improvement in the ability to meet the need.”
That airplane was used in Venezuela from 1989-2005 with a total of about 10,000 flight hours. When the program closed at the request of the government, the aircraft was used for recruiting purposes in the Midwest. Then it was sold to an ex-MAF staff member in the Portland/Vancouver area, who makes it available to future mission pilots so they can gain experience flying a C206 before they serve overseas.
God took one gift, born out of tragedy, and used it for good—to bring Christ’s love to isolated people, train pilots, and inspire giving across multiple generations of one family.