MAF pilot Matt Monson in Lesotho shares this story about an opportunity to tell others about Christ.

With some of our pilots out on furlough lately, the busy workload here can seem like crashing waves. Discouragement can set in if I focus on the waves that are approaching and not the opportunities the Lord gives. So I am grateful that I recognized a wonderful opportunity before me recently when I flew a work team to the Semenanyane clinic.
This job allows me to be at our most visited airstrips for several hours. At Semenanyane, I have been speaking to five airstrip workers in short intervals and gave them the Gospel of John to read. They had finished the books and wanted to sit down and ask questions. I was moved by the sincerity and honesty of the workers’ questions. Although I am not an expert in the culture and worship of ancestors, I was able to guide the discussion based on the questions they asked. I asked if they worship the ancestors with fear or joy? They were very honest—fear! I was able to explain, for the first time in their lives (I asked), if anyone had described the love, forgiveness, and acceptance of Christ. They were shocked to hear about a God who does not expect to be worshiped by perfect people. They were concerned because they drink and smoke; therefore, God could not accept them. I shocked them even more when I told them, “Don’t stop drinking and smoking. Read the scriptures, pray to the Lord, and get to know Him as your Holy Father. The Holy Spirit will work on your hearts and remove the desires of sin and empower you to holiness, but this is not your burden. You do not have to live in fear of your sin and belief that you are separated from God. God loves you!”
After our discussion I was able to give them an audio Bible and complete Bibles that they have begun to read. Moments like these give me joy and remind me that despite the waves—or any storm we might find ourselves in—God is working miracles in people’s hearts.